Neighborhood Associations: Bringing Communities Together


Page Number 2000136  Updated on April 1, 2024

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Neighborhood associations are independent organizations that aim to promote friendship and the deepening of bonds among people while improving their communities.

In Gifu City, many households are entered in neighborhood associations and independently work to improve their communities.

Enrollment in neighborhood associations is optional. These associations work to resolve problems in their communities as well as promote feelings of solidarity among residents.

Activities performed by neighborhood associations

The following are functions that neighborhood associations perform.

  1. Distributing public announcements, etc.
    (notifications about garbage collection, vaccines, health checkups, etc.)
  2. Street cleaning, disaster prevention training, crime prevention activities, security light maintenance, traffic safety activities
  3. Social welfare activities such as community support funds, end of the year community support, etc.
  4. Recreation events such as Bon Festival dancing, sports events, etc.
  5. Accepting and processing requests and petitions for the healthy upbringing of children and protecting local communities
  6. Supporting local groups such as children's/women's groups, etc.

How to enroll

  1. Enrollment is performed by individual households. Please apply with the head of your neighborhood association or han-cho/kumi-cho (leader of one of the subgroups in a neighborhood association).
    If you do not know which neighborhood association you belong to, you can ask your neighbors or the Community Activity Exchange Center.
    Community Activity Exchange Center
    (Minna no Mori Gifu Media Cosmos 1F / Tel. 058-214-4791)
  2. If living in a residential complex, please contact your landlord before joining.
  3. If starting a new neighborhood organization in a condo (called "mansion" in Japanese), etc. consult with the main group that your neighborhood association belongs to (jichikai rengokai).