Getting Vaccinated


Page Number 2000117  Updated on April 1, 2024

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Vaccinations for Children

There is an appropriate age range for each vaccine.
Please have your child receive each vaccine as soon as they can when they become eligible.


  • Infecitous Disease, Medical and Pharmaceutical Affairs Division, Gifu City Public Health Center (2-19 Miyako-dori, Gifu City/Tel. 058-252-7187)
  • Naka Public Health Center (2-18 Tetsumei-dori, Yanagase Glasstle 35, 3F/ Tel. 058-214-6630)
  • Minami Public Health Center (1-75-2 Akanabe Hishino, Gifu City/Tel. 058-271-8010)
  • Kita Public Health Center (2-140 Nagara Higashi, Gifu City/Tel. 058-232-7681)

Things to bring

  • Mother and child health handbook
  • Mother and child health handbook vaccination pamphlet
  • Medical history form
    (If you did not receive a medical history form, please take a document proving your address within Gifu City and mother and child health handbook to one of the locations listed above to receive one.)

Types of vaccines

Hepititus B, pneumococcus, Hib, whooping cough, tetanus, Polio, BCG vaccine for tuberculosis, chickenpox, Measles, rubella, Japanese encephalitus, Rotavirus

Vaccination periods and venues

Please check the vaccination pamphlet that you should have received with your mother and child health handbook.
You will be sent this pamphlet sometime before your child turns six weeks old. Please contact any of the numbers above if you have an address registered with Gifu City and still have not received the pamphlet yet by the time your child turns six weeks old.

Child Flu Vaccine

Please have your child get vaccinated to help prepare them for and keep protected during the flu season.
The flu vaccines can prevent influenza-associated encephalitus, pneumonia, and other severe symptoms.
Children's flu vaccines are partially subsidized in Gifu City.


Infecitous Disease, Medical and Pharmaceutical Affairs Division, Gifu City Public Health Center (2-19 Miyako-dori, Gifu City/Tel. 058-252-7187)

Children eligible

Children that are six months old or older and have yet to enter elementary school with a certificate of residence registered with Gifu City.

Vaccination period

10/15 - 1/31 (excluding days that entrusted medical institutions are closed)

Vaccine doses


Vaccine fees

Vaccination fees minus ¥1000 for each dose.

Participating medical institutions

Some medical institutions may have age restrictions.

Please ask the medical institution that you would like to use for more information.

Applying for an appointment

  1. Please make a prior reservation with the medical institution that you would like to use.
  2. Please bring your mother and child health handbook and a document that can verify your name, address, age, etc. (health insurance card, etc.).
  3. Please fill out all required items on a medical history form (予診票) provided by the medical institution you would like your child to use.

For those that would like their child to receive the vaccine at a medical institution outside of the city

  • Vaccine reimbursement system
    Those that get vaccinated outside of the city are still eligible to receive the partial subsidy.
  • Those eligible
    Those who have a residence certificate registered with Gifu City are eligible to receive the vaccine outside the city if they meet one of the following requirements.
    1. Those who are undergoing continuous treatment or follow-up observation at medical institutions outside the city.
    2. Those residing in a different municipality due to their guardian(s) returning to their parent's home, etc.
    3. Those living in a children's welfare facility or senior citizen's welfare facility outside the city.
  • Things to be aware of when applying
    Those wanting to have their child vaccinated outside of the city are required to contact and apply with the Gifu City Public Health Center beforehand (*If you do not do this, you will become ineligible to receive the partial subsidy).

You will need a vaccination request form issued by Gifu City to get vaccinated. It will take the city around 2 weeks to send it to you, so please schedule your appointment accordingly.

Flu Vaccines for the Elderly

Please get vaccinated to help prepare yourself for and keep yourself protected during the flu season.
The flu vaccine is considered especially important for the elderly due to its ability to prevent pneumonia and other severe symptoms that result from the virus.
The flu vaccine is provided for the elderly as written below.


Infecitous Disease, Medical and Pharmaceutical Affairs Division, Gifu City Public Health Center (2-19 Miyako-dori, Gifu City/Tel. 058-252-7187)

Those eligible

Those that have a certificate of residence in Gifu City and the following apply to

  • Those that will be 65 years old or older by the time they get vaccinated
  • Those who are between the ages of 60 and 64 at the time of vaccination and have a level 1 physical disability due to a functional disorder of the heart, kidneys, or respiratory organs, or immune dysfunction caused by human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).

Vaccination period

10/15 - 1/31 (excluding days that entrusted medical institutions are closed)

Vaccine doses


Vaccine fees

¥1,730 (those in households receiving public assistance can get the vaccine for free)

Applying for an appointment

Things to do before getting vaccinated

  • Please make a prior reservation with the medical institution that you would like to use.
  • For those in a household receiving public assistance
    Contact the Gifu City Welfare Office’s Life Welfare Division (1 or 2) at 058-214-2156 to receive a vaccination request form made specifically for those receiving the vaccine for free.

On the day you get vaccinated

  • Things to bring
    Document to confirm your name, address, age, etc. (health insurance card, physical disability certificate, etc.)
  • Documents
    Please fill out all required items on a medical history form (予診票) provided by the medical institution you will get vaccinated at. Please do not forget to sign your name on the back in the "インフルエンザ予防接種希望書" section (this states that you wish to receive the vaccine).

For those that would like to receive the vaccine at a medical institution outside of the city

For those admitted to a medical facility or hospital outside of Gifu City, please contact the Infecitous Disease, Medical and Pharmaceutical Affairs Division.

Pneumococcal Vaccine for the Elderly

Those infected by pneumococcus may develop symptoms such as pneumonnia, and the elderly are particularly susceptible to developing severe symptoms and having to be hospitalized for them. Please get vaccinated to help protect yourself against developing these symptoms.
Gifu City provides the pneumococcal vaccine to the following people.
(Those that have received even one dose of the PPV23 vaccine are ineligible)


Infecitous Disease, Medical and Pharmaceutical Affairs Division, Gifu City Public Health Center (2-19 Miyako-dori, Gifu City /Tel. 058-252-7187)

Those eligible

Those with a residence certificate registered with Gifu City that the following applies to.

  • Those that will turn/have turned 65, 70, 75, 80, 85, 90, 95, 100 years old.
  • Those who are between the ages of 60 and 64 at the time of vaccination and have a level 1 physical disability due to a functional disorder of the heart, kidneys, or respiratory organs, or immune dysfunction caused by human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).
  • A person who the above conditions apply to and has never received the PPV23 vaccine.
    *Consult with your primary care doctor whether you need the second dose or not.

*Those that have received even one dose of this vaccine previously will not be able to receive it as a routine vaccine.

Vaccination doses


Vaccine fee

¥4070 (amount you will have to pay)
*Please pay the above fee at the medical institution you get vaccinated at.
(those in households receiving public assistance can get the vaccine for free)

Participating locations

Entrusted medical institutions within Gifu City

Applying for an appointment

Things to do before getting vaccinated

Please make a prior reservation with one of the medical institutions listed in the above link.

For those in a household receiving public assistance
Obtain a "Welfare Beneficiary Certificate" from the Gifu City Welfare Office's Life Welfare Divisions I or II (3F), TEL: 058-214-2156; and go to the Infectious Disease, Medical and Pharmaceutical Affairs Division to receive a pre-vaccination screening form made specficially for those elligible for free vaccination.

On the day you get vaccinated

Things to bring
Document to confirm your name, address, and age (health insurance card, physical disability certificate, etc.)

Please do not forget to sign your name on the back in the "高齢者用肺炎球菌感染症予防接種希望書" section (this states that you wish to receive the vaccine).