Dental Hygiene
Taking the Gifu Sawayaka Oral Health Exam
Gifu City has been performing these exams since 2015 to check the health of citizens' teeth and mouths in order to prevent any decreases in function/diseases such as pneumonia, and promote their health.
Please take this exam if you are eligible.
You may be able to take this exam at your home as well.
Medical Welfare Division (Gifu City Hall, 1F / Tel. 058-214-2128)
Those eligible
Anyone enrolled in health insurance for older senior citizens
Eligible period
September - the end of January
Participating medical institutions within Gifu City
How to take the exam
Bring the exam form sent to you towards the end of August and your health insurance card with you.
Parts of the exam
- Medical interview
- History of previous illnesses, etc.
- Important items related to lifestyle diseases
- Subjective symptoms
- Things tested in the exam
- Condition of your teeth
- Your ability to chew
- Evaluating tongue function, ability to swallow, etc.
Taking the Milestone Oral Health Exam
Public Health and Disease Prevention Division, Gifu City Public Health Center
(2-19 Miyako-dori, Gifu City / Tel. (058) 252-7193)
Those eligible
People with a residence certificate registered with Gifu City
Notification method
Postcard sent out towards the end of June
Eligible period
July - the end of February
*Those in a household receiving public assistance can take the test for free, but you will need to complete some processes before doing so. You can call Gifu City's Health Promotion Division.
Things to be checked during the exam
- Teeth
- Gums
- Oral mucous membrane
- If you have been properly brushing, flossing your teeth, etc.
- Dental health guidance will also be provided if necessary
Things to be aware of
You will still be charged for treatment performed (removing tartar, etc.) after the exam.
You can confirm any details regarding the exam with the dental clinic you would like to use.
Gifu City Holiday Emergency Dental Center
Gifu Municipal Hospital (7-1 Kashima-cho, Gifu City) Tel. 058-253-7337
Days available
Sundays, Public holidays, New Year's period (12/31 - 1/3)
Times available
9:00am - 1:00pm, 2:00pm - 6:00pm
Reception times
8:30am - 12:30pm, 1:30pm - 5:30pm
Things to be aware of
Those that do not have a referral letter written by a medical institution and are being seen as first-time patients, in principle, will have to pay ¥7700 as a selected medical treatment fee.
<Those that have a welfare medical expense recipient certificate (children, single parent households, etc.) are liable to cover this fee in full as well.>