Children's Play Areas (Jidokan/Jido Centers, Childcare Facility)


Page Number 2000125  Updated on April 1, 2024

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Jidokan/Jido Centers

These are places for children (infants need to be accompanied by an adult) to play.
Jidokan/jido centers hold many events, including for each season, etc.
There are clubs for parents to play with their children and for mothers to talk about raising their children.


Children's Support Division (Gifu City Hall, 2F/Tel. 058-214-2398)

Days and times available

  • April - September
    9:30am - 5:30pm
  • October - March
    9:00am - 5:00pm

Days closed

  • Mondays
    (if a public holiday, the immediately following non-public holiday weekday)
  • The New Year's period

*Yanaizu Jidokan

  • Sundays, the New Year's period
  • Public holidays (except Children's Day)

Jidokan/Jido Centers

Facility name



Bairin Jidokan

1-11 Tabata-cho, Gifu City 058-246-9955
Kurono Jidokan 20-1 Furuichiba, Gifu City 058-239-7876
Higashi Jido Center

1-33-2 Obora Sakuradai, Gifu City

Kano Jido Center

1-1 Kano Takayanagi-cho, Gifu City


Nikko Jido Center

9-1-3 Nikko-cho, Gifu City

Nishi Jido Center☆

2-8-40 Kagashima Minami, Gifu City

Hongo Jido Center☆

5-24-1 Aoyagi-cho, Gifu City

Nagara Jido Center☆

389-2 Nagara, Gifu City

Nagamori Jido Center☆

4-11-4 Noisshiki, Gifu City

Iwanoda Jido Center☆

1-95 Awano Higashi, Gifu City

Sun Friend Uzura Jido Center☆

7-58 Naka Uzura, Gifu City

Sun Friend Miwa Jido Center☆

95 Kadoya Aza Nozaki, Gifu City

Yanaizu Jidokan

1-34 Maruno, Yanaizu-cho, Gifu City


Facilities with a ☆ next to them are next to toy libraries.

Infants and children with disabilities (accompanied by their guardian(s)) can play with toys to promote their physical and mental development. Guardians of children with disabilities can also feel free to rent toys.

Yanagase Childcare Facility "TSUNAGUTE"

In addition to a large playground equipped with a variety of indoor playground equipment and craft making corner, this facility provides a variety of childcare support services, including an area where parents and children can read picture books to each other and temporary childcare services.

There is a charge for the "Kids Area", "Manabe (study) Room", and Azuka (babysitting) Room".


Yanagase Childcare Facility
(2-18 Tetsumei-dori, Gifu City, Yanagase Glasstle 35, 4F/Tel. 058-214-3117)

Days and times available

10:00am - 6:00pm

Days closed

Last Thursday of every month, Year-end and New Year holidays(Dec.29 - Jan.3)