Pregnancy, Giving Birth, Child-Rearing


Page Number 2000120  Updated on April 1, 2024

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  • Public Health and Disease Prevention Division, Gifu City Public Health Center
    (2-19 Miyako-dori, Gifu City/Tel. 058-252-7193)
  • Naka Public Health Center
    (2-18 Tetsumei-dori, Yanagase Glasstle 35, 3F/Tel. 058-214-6630)
  • Minami Public Health Center
    (1-75-2 Akanabe Hishino, Gifu City/Tel. 058-271-8010)
  • Kita Public Health Center
    (2-140 Nagara Higashi, Gifu City/Tel. 058-232-7681)

If You Get Pregnant

Submit a Pregnancy Notification Form (妊娠届出書) and receive a Maternal and Child Health Handbook (母子健康手帳).

Prenatal health checkup

  • Please use the Prenatal Health Checkup Form (妊婦健康診査受診票) included in your Maternal and Child Health Handbook.
  • Partial subsidy for the checkup
    • If you take the checkup at a maternity home, medical institution in a different prefecture, etc.
      There will be some processes you need to complete, so please ask about them before making an appointment for the checkup.

Prenatal dental health checkup

Please get this checkup at one of the entrusted medical institutions within the city. You can use the Gifu City Prenatal Dental Health Examination Form (岐阜市妊婦歯科健康診査受診券) that is included in your Maternal and Child Health Handbook to receive the checkup. If you do not have the form, please contact one of the above public health centers.

Maternity support meetings

You can consult about any worries or concerns you may have over your pregnancy so you can have peace of mind while giving birth.

After Giving Birth

Submitting a Birth Contact Form (出生連絡票)

  • Please submit a Birth Contact Form (included in the Maternal and Child Health Handbook ) as well as a Birth Notification (出生届) after you have given birth.
  • If you submit a birth notification outside of Gifu City, please send a Birth Contact Form to the Gifu Public Health Center's Public Health and Disease Prevention Division.
  • A public health nurse or midwife will conduct home visits until your child is four months old.
  • During home visits, you can discuss with a public health nurse/midwife any questions or concerns you have about raising your child.

Newborn hearing test

  • Please have this test performed as soon as possible after your child is born.
  • Part of this test's fees will be subsidized.

Newborn blood test

For early detection of disorders such as congenital metabolic disorder

  • Please have your child take this test at the medical institution that you gave birth at.
  • Early detection and treatment may prevent your child from developing disabilities, etc. later in life.

Biliary atresia test

  • The color of a baby's stool provides one way of understanding their health.
  • Please use the stool color card (便色カード) included in your Maternal and Child Health Handbook around after your baby has turned four months old as a means to monitor their health and screen for potential diseases.

Postnatal care

  • To help mothers who are anxious about their health and childcare after giving birth raise their children with peace of mind, the city provides physical, mental, and childcare support for mothers and babies including overnight stays and day trips to medical institutions commissioned by the city in addition to at-home visits.
  • Postnatal care requires a prior application.

Postnatal mother health checkup

This checkup checks the mother's mental and physical health after giving birth, and you can take the test for free (treatment and additional tests will cost extra).

Postnatal dental health checkup

Please get this checkup at one of the entrusted medical institutions within the city. You can use the Gifu City Postnatal Dental Health Examination Form (岐阜市産婦歯科健康診査受診券) that is included in your Maternal and Child Health Handbook to receive the checkup. If you do not have the form, please contact one of the above public health centers.

Children's Health

Child health checkups, etc.

  • 4-month child health checkup (at an entrusted medical institution)
  • 10-month child health checkup
  • 18-month child dental checkup and child-rearing class.
  • 18-month child health checkup (at an entrusted medical institution)
  • 3-year child health checkup
  • 5-year child health checkup (at an entrusted medical institution)

Childcare consultation and health checkup follow-up

You can consult with a public health nurse, nutritionist, etc. about your child's growth and development.
Follow up consultation/visit with physician is included.


For more information, please refer to the Insurances, Health, and Welfare section’s "Getting Vaccinated" page.

Dental fluoride for young children

Your child can receive medications such as fluoride for young children between after they turn 1 year old until before they enter elementary school.