Preparing for and Dealing With Water Damage


Page Number 2000088  Updated on October 3, 2022

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One cannot allow themselves to let their guard down with typhoons and heavy rain just because they are predictable to an extent.
Recently, city flooding has been occuring across the country.
So-called "Guerrila rainstorms" that have occurred in Gifu City have caused below and above floor level flooding in the past.

What to do during heavy rains or when a typhoon comes

  • Reinforce windows and doors by closing storm shutters, etc.
  • Secure objects that might be blown away or move them indoors.
  • Avoid going outside and stay away from rivers, cliffs, etc.
  • Get the latest weather information (exacuation information from the city) by TV, radio, the internet, etc.
  • Take inventory of the emergency goods you have. Prepare for power outages or water being cut off.
  • Be on the lookout for weather information, river water levels, and the amount of rainfall.
  • Underground facilities (underground shopping complexes, rooms, roads, parking lots, etc.) are dangerous. Evacuate from them as soon as possible.

If you feel that you are in danger, evacuate as soon as possible

If any dangerous floods, etc. are expected to occur, the city will alert areas that may be affected through TV, radio, the internet, disaster prevention management radio broadcasts, vehicles with loudspeakers, disaster information emails, and emergency emails.
There are three stages to evacuation information based on how dangerous things are.
Even if you are not told to, evacuate if you think the situation calls for it.
If evacuating without an order/recommendation, do so after confirming that evacuation centers are open.
Evacuation centers in public halls and elementary schools will be prioritized to open first when there is damage caused by wind and flooding.

Evacuation of the elderly, etc.〈alert level 3〉

  • This alert is issued if it is determined that evacuations will have to be made due to flooding or rivers reaching flood warning levels and being expected to continue to rise.
  • Move your household belongings to a safe place.
  • Pay attention to information coming out from disaster prevention organizations.
  • Those who take longer to evacuate (children, the elderly, those with disabilities or illnesses, etc.) should evacuate as early as possible.

Evacuation instruction〈alert level 4〉

An evacuation order is given if it seems that there is clear danger that could be posed by floods, etc., or river water levels are going to get higher than levees. 

Emergency safety measures〈alert level 5〉

This alert is issued if rivers have already begun to flood.

What to do when evacuating

  • Wear shoes that are easy to move in.
    (water can enter rain boots and make it more difficult to move)
  • Check on your neighbors and family and do not take any extreme actions or make decisions entirely on your own.
  • Use an object like an umbrella, stick, branch, etc. to test how deep water is before walking through it.
  • Avoid areas with fast-flowing water and areas that are flooded and cannot be determined to be safe.
  • Do not evacuate using areas near cliffs, rivers, or by using bridges.
  • If the routes to all evacuation centers nearby are flooded or damaged to the point of being unusable, you should evacuate to the second floor or higher of your home or to an otherwise similar building if possible even if an evacuation instruction is issued.
  • If a level 5 alert (emergency safety measures) has been issued due to a natural disaster occuring, immediately do everything you can to protect your life and those around you.

Sources of information for heavy rains and floods